Roundtable #1 in Prešov
Date: February 29, 2024

As climate change escalates the occurrence of extreme weather events, the search for innovative solutions becomes more urgent. The FLOPRES project, a joint effort between Slovakia and Poland, aims to tackle this issue by developing a cutting-edge flood prevention system. The project’s first offline roundtable event recently highlighted this collaborative endeavor, emphasizing its importance in the fight against flooding.

Integrating Technology with Community Needs

The FLOPRES project is setting up a comprehensive flood risk management and early warning system. Utilizing advanced WEB GIS technology combined with sensor data, the project aims to monitor real-time environmental conditions, predicting and warning about potential flash flood risks.

Participants of the first FLOPRES roundtable in Prešov, Slovakia

The roundtable served as a crucial gathering point for stakeholders, experts, and the public to discuss the project’s direction and the solutions it proposes to mitigate flood impacts. The emphasis was placed on the importance of raising public awareness and involving the community in flood protection efforts.

A Dual Approach: Prevention and Preparedness

FLOPRES focuses on both preventing floods and preparing communities for potential incidents. By developing an advanced predictive and warning system, the project aims to offer timely alerts to communities at risk, using meteorological forecasts, IoT sensors, and hydrological models to predict flood events accurately.

The project takes advantage of modern technologies by integrating meteorological data with IoT capabilities to establish a sophisticated early warning system. This ensures that decision-makers and the public receive essential information promptly, improving flood response measures.

IoT sensors by GOSPACE LABS installed in the terrain

Given the unpredictable nature of flash floods, FLOPRES employs dynamic hydrological modeling to forecast not only the likelihood of such events but also their potential impact. This helps in tailoring emergency responses more effectively.

Beyond technological advancements, FLOPRES aims to instill a culture of resilience, empowering communities with the knowledge and tools to effectively manage flood risks and respond decisively in emergencies.

Enhancing Resilience Through Collaboration

The project brings together a diverse group of stakeholders, including government bodies, local authorities, technology companies, and environmental groups.

FLOPRES benefits from the collective expertise of Slovak and Polish partners, fostering a spirit of international cooperation. The collaboration aims to bolster the resilience of communities against floods, sharing knowledge and best practices across borders.

Funded by the European Union’s LIFE program, FLOPRES is steered by Esprit from Banská Štiavnica, with the Prešov Self-Governing Region (PSK), Gospace Labs from Bratislava, Meteo Spólka Z Ograniczona Odpowiedzialnoscia from Warsaw, and Malopolska Agencja Rozwoju Regionalnego SA from Krakow playing crucial roles in its execution.

The project also enjoys support from observers including the Malopolska Region, the cities of Košice and Prešov, and the Innovation Centre of the Košice Region, ensuring a broad base of knowledge and experience to draw upon. Together, these partners and observers embody the project’s spirit of collaboration, pooling their collective expertise and insights to not only address the challenges posed by flash floods but also to promote the exchange of knowledge and best practices that transcend national borders.

Moving Forward

With a completion target of 2026, the FLOPRES project’s stakeholders are committed to its success. The roundtable event was a key step in ensuring the project’s alignment with the needs of decision-makers and the public, paving the way for its effective implementation.

As we face the challenges of climate change, FLOPRES stands as a beacon of cross-border cooperation, showcasing how technology, expertise, and community involvement can lead to safer, more sustainable futures. Through this project, efforts are focused not just on managing flood risks but on ensuring that our communities remain resilient against environmental threats.


Funding for the FLOPRES project is provided by the European Union’s LIFE program and the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management.