
Stay up-to-date and follow the news about the Flopres project. Here you will find information about milestones and other interesting facts.

Roundtable #1 in Prešov

As climate change escalates the occurrence of extreme weather events, the search for innovative solutions becomes more urgent. The FLOPRES project, a joint effort between Slovakia and Poland, aims to tackle this issue by developing a cutting-edge flood prevention...

The first Steering Commitee meeting

On 26th October 2023, the first meeting of Steering Commitee, the coordination and decision-making body of the consortium, was held – all partners had their representatives there and the main issues of the meeting were the following points:

Establishment of working teams

After successful Kick-off meeeting in the beginning of September and setting standards between partners regarding project responsibilities formally in the Consortium Agreement, we established the organisational structure of the consortium

Kick-off meeting

During 5-7th September 2023 the FLOPRES team organised the Kick-off meeting of all project partners after the successful project start on the 1st September. This meeting took place in Prešov and we had really fruitful time together: