Stay up-to-date and follow the news about the Flopres project. Here you will find information about milestones and other interesting facts.
Roundtable #1 in Prešov
As climate change escalates the occurrence of extreme weather events, the search for innovative solutions becomes more urgent. The FLOPRES project, a joint effort between Slovakia and Poland, aims to tackle this issue by developing a cutting-edge flood prevention...
Understanding the Different Types of Floods and Mitigation Strategies: The Role of FLOPRES
Floods, a formidable natural disaster, come in various forms and can cause extensive damage. To effectively mitigate these disasters, understanding the different types of floods and their causes is crucial. This is where initiatives like the FLOPRES project play a...
Climate Change and Hydro-Meteorological Shifts – The Slovak-Polish Case Study of Flash Floods
In recent decades, the world has witnessed an alarming increase in extreme weather events, particularly flash floods. These sudden and intense flooding events are primarily driven by changes in hydro-meteorological patterns due to climate change. The catastrophic...
The first Steering Commitee meeting
On 26th October 2023, the first meeting of Steering Commitee, the coordination and decision-making body of the consortium, was held – all partners had their representatives there and the main issues of the meeting were the following points:
Establishment of working teams
After successful Kick-off meeeting in the beginning of September and setting standards between partners regarding project responsibilities formally in the Consortium Agreement, we established the organisational structure of the consortium
Kick-off meeting
During 5-7th September 2023 the FLOPRES team organised the Kick-off meeting of all project partners after the successful project start on the 1st September. This meeting took place in Prešov and we had really fruitful time together:
Signing the Grant Agrement on the FLOPRES project
On 26th June 2023, our company ESPRIT Ltd. signed the contract for the FLOPRES project with the European Agency CINEA, as a delegate of the European Commission.