
Stay up-to-date and follow the news about the Flopres project. Here you will find information about milestones and other interesting facts.

Climate change and the rising frequency of flash floods

In recent decades, significant changes in atmospheric dynamics have been observed, resulting in anincreased frequency of extreme weather events, such as flash floods. The rising temperatures on Earthhave a key impact on rainfall intensity, altering established weather...

Roundtable #4 in Krakow – 5th June 2024

On 5 June 2024, the second information meeting of the project "FLOPRES: System for the prediction and prevention of flash floods" was held in Krakow, dedicated to the problem of flash floods on streams: Bibiczanka and Garliczka in the Małopolska region. The meeting...

Roundtable #3 in Prešov – 29th May 2024

Within the Flopres project, the Prešov municipality responds to recurringevents on its territory, which are caused by increasing frequency andintense precipitation, as well as inappropriate land use that increasessurface runoff. The implementation of the project has...

Roundtable #2 in Gródek nad Dunajcem

Gródek nad Dunajcem, a community often challenged by the threat of flash floods, has become the focal point of an innovative initiative aimed at enhancing flood safety. The FLOPRES project, dedicated to improving flash flood predictions and responses, was officially...