Here you can learn more about the companies and institutions who are working hard to bring our project to life.
Our project members come from a variety of backgrounds and bring unique skills and perspectives to the table.
We believe that collaboration is key to success, and our project members work closely together to ensure that we’re delivering the best possible results.

ESPRIT spol. s r.o., Banská Štiavnica, Slovakia
Since 1992, when our company Esprit was founded, we have been engaged in research and consulting activities in the field of landscape ecology, geography and hydrology. We are at the cutting edge of technology in the design and development of comprehensive GIS solutions, specialized software applications in natural process modeling and geostatistical spatial modeling. Our competences are demonstrated by previous research in the field of geoinformatics related to the use of geostatistical methods and computer modelling methods to evaluate the spatial and temporal distribution of natural phenomena and processes in a GIS environment.
In the area of hydrological modelling, we are also developing the application of models to estimate the hydrological response of catchments to extreme rainfall events, climate change and land cover change. We are also involved in modelling hydrological balance and rainfall-runoff processes using hydrological and balance models, and we are also the author and source code owner of several hydrological models and other hydrological applications.
In the field of remote sensing, we have extensive experience in the use of remote sensing methods in geological investigations of probable environmental burdens and the use of MORIS (Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer) products in the calibration and validation of rainfall-runoff models. In these areas we have undertaken a number of R&D projects funded through grant schemes as well as large-scale projects carried out under commercial contracts with customers. In the area of Geographic Information Systems development, we have experience in special GIS applications ranging from personal solutions for a small number of users to large enterprise solutions, programming and publishing mapping and other spatial services in a web environment using a three-layer system architecture.
We have also achieved extraordinary success in the field of geovisualization and cartographic production, where we have been the processor of several large-scale cartographic works.

GOSPACE LABS s.r.o., Bratislava, Slovakia
GOSPACE gained a unique experience with space hardware projects including cooperation with the European Space Agency (ESA) and continues its journey with IoT based on a virtue like miniaturization, long-distance communication, space-qualified electronics, and telecommunication technologies.
GOSPACE is a pioneer in the IoT field with established close connections with big telecoms across Europe and the US.
GOSPACE is an innovation leader developing new IP-protected technological features for its hardware and software solutions. The company stands out by its innovative potential and unique value proposition for either municipality, integrators, or individual clients.

METEO LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY, Warszawa, Poland is one of the most respected and professional meteorological services. With 25 years of experience in modelling meteorological conditions in Central Europe, our team is making a significant contribution to the development of this field at a global level.
The ICM is continuously creating a digital archive of high-resolution atmospheric data for research projects of national research centres and for running an open information service on the web.
We have a unique database with forecasts from 1997 onwards. Archived and current meteorological forecasts provide a database applicable to various projects.
For forecast generation, we use state-of-the-art supercomputers, including the Intel Haswell Cray XC40 with 1084 computing nodes. This is particularly important for business partners, but also for uniformed services and public administrations wanting accurate local meteorological data.

Prešov Self – Governing Region, Prešov, Slovakia
4 July 2001 – The National Council of the Slovak Republic approved the establishment of eight higher territorial units by Act of the National Assembly of the Slovak Republic No. 302/2001 Coll. on Self-Government of Higher Territorial Units.
This law established the Prešov Self-Governing Region with its seat in Prešov.
The Prešov Region is located in the north-east of the Slovak Republic. With an area of 8 973 km2, it occupies 18.3% of the state’s area, and is the second largest region in Slovakia after the Banská Bystrica Region. The Prešov Region is divided into 13 districts. There are 665 municipalities in the region, of which 23 have the status of a town. The population of Prešov Region is 825 022 (in 2018) with a population density of 91.88 inhabitants per sq km.

Małopolska Regional Development Agency, Krakow, Poland
We have been working for 30 years to develop and increase the competitiveness of entrepreneurs from the Małopolska Region. Our strengths are experience and credibility, consistency, ambition and creativity. We create favourable conditions and space for doing business. Our aim is to support companies at every stage of their development that is why we specialize in comprehensive know-how and modern financial solutions to business. We provide investment, consulting and training assistance. Our company actively supports export by offering professional advice and access to an international network of contacts. We also promote economic brand of the region broad.
Małopolska Regional Development Agency is a key regional institution that supports local development. Also, it is one of the most important partners of national institutions and regional self-government in shaping the policy of innovative regional development. MARR is the only official partner of the Polish Investment and Trade Agency in the region.